jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

COMENIUS EXHIBITION: Green and sustainable homes

This exhibition was held in our school in May 2012. The protagonists were our students and their enthusiastic work. You can find all these pictures as a power point presentation, as well as more Comenius activities,  in the next link:  Exposición de casas sostenibles

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012


At Christmas, some mothers of our youngest students become architects. They work secretly building little houses  made with chocolate, biscuits and lots of sweets. The result is amazing.

As you can see, mums are plenty of imagination.

This year, some castles have been built as well.

Children love eating them! 

Doesn’t matter if they get stains!

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012


La Plaza Ecopolis es un proyecto de ecosistema urbano ubicada cerca Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid. Los edificios que la componen son ejemplo de arquitectura sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente.
Plaza Ecopolis is a project of urban ecosystem located near Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council. Buildings around the square are examples of sustainable architecture and friendly environment.

La guardería Rayuela está construida de espaldas a una calle bastante transitada. Una parte esta soterrada para evitar el ruido de los coches. Su diseño aprovecha al maximo la luz solar con un sistema de claraboyas y espejos que iluminan algunas  zonas del edificio.
Nursery Rayuela was built next to a quite busy road. Part of the Nursery is buried to avoid noise of the cars. Its design maximizes sunlight with a system of mirrors and skylights that illuminate some areas of the building.

La casa solar es un modelo de vivienda inteligente en la que la luz, el calor y la energia se aprovechan al máximo.
El Centro de Interpretacion de la Energía asesora a los vecinos de rivas sobre la instalacion de paneles solares y el aprovechamiento de la energía.
The Solar House is a smart home model in which light, heat and energy are maximized.

Interpretation Center provides energy advice to neighbours of Rivas on solar panels and energy efficiency.
En el centro de la Plaza hay una laguna de plantas macrofitas, que depuran de forma natural las aguas residuales de la escuela infantil. Estas plantas permiten reciclar completamente el agua para ser utilizada posteriormente en el riego de la vegetación de la plaza.
In the center of the square there is a pond of macrophyte plants, which naturally purify wastewater from the nursery. These plants allow complete recycling of water for later use in irrigation of the vegetation of the square.
* Esta información ha sido sacada de diferentes trabajos de alumnos y alumnas de quinto de primaria.
* This information was taken from some essays of our students on fifth grade.